1、new关键字 1)、创建对象 2)、隐藏从父类那里继承过来的成员
2、访问修饰符 public:公开的,公共的 private:私有的,只能在当前类的内部访问,类中成员们,如果不加访问修饰符,默认就是private procteced:受保护的,可以在当前类的内部访问,也可以在该类的子类中访问 internal:在当前项目中都可以访问。 protected internal: 能够修饰类的访问修饰符只有两个,internal和public
3、常用的关键字 this 1、当前类的对象 2、调用自己的构造函数 base 调用父类的成员 new 1、创建对象 2、隐藏父类的成员 virtual 标记一个方法是虚方法 abstract 抽象的 override 重写 interface 接口 partial 部分类 sealed 密封类:不允许被继承 return 1、在方法中返回要返回的值 2、立即结束本次方法 break 跳出当前循环 continue 结束本次循环,回到循环条件进行判断 static 静态的 struct 结构 enum 枚举 const 常量
4、字符串 1、字符串的不可变性 2、字符串可以看做是char类型的只读数组
5、集合 ArrayList Hashtable List<T> Dictionary<TKey,TValue>
6装箱或者拆箱 装箱:就是将值类型转换为引用类型 拆箱:就是将引用类型转换为值类型。 值类型:bool int double char struct enum decimal 引用类型:string 数组 集合 interface object 自定义类 拆箱或者装箱的两种类型必须具有继承关系
7、结构和类的区别 1、类当中写了一个新的构造函数之后,默认的无参数的就被干掉了。 但是在结构中,写了一个新的构造函数之后,默认的那个无参数的还在。 在结构的构造函数当中,必须给所有的字段赋值,这样也就限制了结构中最多 只能有两个构造函数,一个是默认的无参数的构造函数,一个是全参数的构造函数。
3、结构不能继承于类,而类也不能继承于结构。 结构不具备面向对象的特征。 而类才是面向对象的产物。
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _01面向对象复习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //this 14 //new15 Person p = new Person();16 17 }18 }19 20 public class Person21 {22 23 protected string _name;24 internal int _age;25 }26 27 internal class Teacher : Person28 {29 public void T()30 { 31 32 }33 }34 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _02关键字的用法 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //partial14 }15 }16 17 ///18 /// 密封类19 /// 20 public sealed class Teacher:Person21 {22 23 }24 25 26 public partial class Person27 {28 private string _name;29 }30 31 public partial class Person32 {33 public void T()34 {35 // _name;36 }37 }38 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _03抽象类练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 MobileDisk md = new MobileDisk();14 Mp3 mp3 = new Mp3();15 UDisk u = new UDisk();16 17 Computer cpu = new Computer();18 cpu.MS = mp3;19 cpu.CPURead();20 cpu.CPUWrite();21 Console.ReadKey();22 }23 }24 25 ///26 /// 抽象的移动存储设备父类27 /// 28 public abstract class MobileStorage29 {30 public abstract void Read();31 public abstract void Write();32 }33 public class MobileDisk : MobileStorage34 {35 public override void Read()36 {37 Console.WriteLine("移动硬盘在读取数据");38 }39 40 public override void Write()41 {42 Console.WriteLine("移动硬盘在写入数据");43 }44 }45 public class UDisk : MobileStorage46 {47 public override void Read()48 {49 Console.WriteLine("U盘在读取数据");50 }51 public override void Write()52 {53 Console.WriteLine("U盘在写入数据");54 }55 }56 public class Mp3 : MobileStorage57 {58 public void PlayMusic()59 { 60 Console.WriteLine("Mp3自己可以播放音乐");61 }62 63 public override void Read()64 {65 Console.WriteLine("Mp3读取数据");66 }67 68 public override void Write()69 {70 Console.WriteLine("Mp3写入数据");71 }72 }73 74 75 public class Computer76 {77 78 public MobileStorage MS79 {80 get;81 set;82 }83 public void CPURead()84 {85 this.MS.Read();86 }87 88 public void CPUWrite()89 {90 this.MS.Write();91 }92 }93 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _04虚方法和抽象类 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 }14 }15 public abstract class Person16 {17 private string _name;18 19 public string Name20 {21 get { return _name; }22 set { _name = value; }23 }24 public Person(string name)25 {26 this.Name = name;27 }28 public Person()29 { 30 31 }32 public virtual void SayHello()33 { 34 35 }36 public abstract double Test(string name);37 38 // public abstract void Test();39 }40 41 public class Student : Person42 {43 44 public override double Test(string name)45 {46 return 123;47 }48 // public abstract void M();49 //public void SayHello()50 //{51 52 //}53 }54 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 using System.IO; 7 namespace _05接口复习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //alt+shift+F1014 // File15 //接口是什么?什么时候使用接口?使用接口的目的是什么?多态16 //鸟会飞 飞机也会飞17 18 IFlyable fly = new Plane();//new Bird();19 fly.Fly();20 Console.ReadKey();21 }22 }23 public interface IFlyable24 {25 void Fly();26 }27 28 public class Bird29 {30 //public void Fly()31 //{32 // Console.WriteLine("大多数鸟都会飞"); 33 //}34 }35 //public class QQ : Bird36 //{37 38 //}39 40 public class Maque : Bird, IFlyable41 {42 ///43 /// 这个函数是父类的?还是子类自己的?还实现接口的?44 /// 45 public void Fly()46 {47 Console.WriteLine("鸟会飞");48 }49 void IFlyable.Fly()50 {51 Console.WriteLine("实现的接口的飞方法");52 }53 }54 55 public class Plane : IFlyable56 {57 public void Fly()58 {59 Console.WriteLine("飞机会飞");60 }61 }62 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _06面向对象练习 8 { 9 class Program 10 { 11 static void Main(string[] args) 12 { 13 //作业:定义父亲类Father(姓lastName,财产property,血型bloodType), 14 //儿子Son类(玩游戏PlayGame方法),女儿Daughter类(跳舞Dance方法), 15 //调用父类构造函数(:base())给子类字段赋值 16 17 //Son son = new Son("张三",10m,"AB"); 18 //son.PlayGame(); 19 //son.SayHello(); 20 //Daughter d = new Daughter("张梅梅", 100m, "O"); 21 //d.SayHello(); 22 //d.Dance(); 23 //Console.ReadKey(); 24 25 //作业:定义汽车类Vehicle属性(brand(品牌),color(颜色))方法run, 26 //子类卡车(Truck) 属性weight载重 方法拉货,轿车 (Car) 属性passenger载客数量 方法载客 27 28 //Truck truck = new Truck("解放牌卡车", "绿色", 30000); 29 //Car car = new Car("奔驰", "黑色", 5); 30 //truck.LaHuo(); 31 //car.LaKe(); 32 //Console.ReadKey(); 33 34 } 35 } 36 37 ///38 /// 汽车的父类 39 /// 40 public class Vehicle 41 { 42 public string Brand 43 { 44 get; 45 set; 46 } 47 48 public string Color 49 { 50 get; 51 set; 52 } 53 54 public void Run() 55 { 56 Console.WriteLine("我是汽车我会跑"); 57 } 58 59 public Vehicle(string brand, string color) 60 { 61 this.Brand = brand; 62 this.Color = color; 63 } 64 } 65 66 67 public class Truck : Vehicle 68 { 69 public double Weight 70 { 71 get; 72 set; 73 } 74 public Truck(string brand, string color, double weight) 75 : base(brand, color) 76 { 77 this.Weight = weight; 78 } 79 80 81 public void LaHuo() 82 { 83 Console.WriteLine("我最多可以拉{0}KG货物",this.Weight); 84 } 85 } 86 87 88 public class Car : Vehicle 89 { 90 public int Passenger 91 { 92 get; 93 set; 94 } 95 public Car(string brand, string color, int passenger) 96 : base(brand, color) 97 { 98 this.Passenger = passenger; 99 }100 101 102 public void LaKe()103 {104 Console.WriteLine("我最多可以拉{0}个人",this.Passenger);105 }106 }107 108 109 public class Father110 {111 private string _lastName;112 public string LastName113 {114 get { return _lastName; }115 set { _lastName = value; }116 }117 118 private decimal _property;119 public decimal Property120 {121 get { return _property; }122 set { _property = value; }123 }124 125 private string _bloodType;126 public string BloodType127 {128 get { return _bloodType; }129 set { _bloodType = value; }130 }131 132 public Father(string lastName, decimal property, string bloodType)133 {134 this.LastName = lastName;135 this.Property = property;136 this.BloodType = bloodType;137 }138 139 public void SayHello()140 {141 Console.WriteLine("我叫{0},我有{1}元,我是{2}型血",this.LastName,this.Property,this.BloodType);142 }143 144 }145 146 public class Son : Father147 {148 public Son(string lastName, decimal property, string bloodType)149 : base(lastName, property, bloodType)150 { 151 152 }153 154 public void PlayGame()155 {156 Console.WriteLine("儿子会玩游戏");157 }158 }159 160 public class Daughter : Father161 {162 public Daughter(string lastName, decimal property, string bloodType)163 : base(lastName, property, bloodType)164 { 165 166 }167 168 public void Dance()169 {170 Console.WriteLine("女儿会跳舞");171 }172 }173 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _07面向对象多态练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //作业:员工类、部门经理类 程序猿类14 //(部门经理也是员工,所以要继承自员工类。员工有上班打卡的方法。用类来模拟。15 16 Employee emp = new Programmer();//new Manager();//new Employee();17 emp.DaKa();18 Console.ReadKey();19 }20 }21 public class Employee22 {23 public virtual void DaKa()24 {25 Console.WriteLine("员工九点打卡");26 }27 }28 29 public class Manager : Employee30 {31 public override void DaKa()32 {33 Console.WriteLine("经理十一点打卡");34 }35 }36 37 public class Programmer : Employee38 {39 public override void DaKa()40 {41 Console.WriteLine("程序猿不打卡");42 }43 }44 45 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _08面向对象多态练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //作业:动物Animal 都有吃Eat和叫Bark的方法,狗Dog和猫Cat叫的方法不一样.14 //父类中没有默认的实现所哟考虑用抽象方法。15 16 Animal a = new Dog();//new Cat();17 a.Bark();18 a.Eat();19 Console.ReadKey();20 }21 }22 23 public abstract class Animal24 {25 public abstract void Eat();26 public abstract void Bark();27 }28 29 public class Cat : Animal30 {31 public override void Eat()32 {33 Console.WriteLine("猫咪舔着吃");34 }35 36 public override void Bark()37 {38 Console.WriteLine("猫咪喵喵的叫");39 }40 }41 42 public class Dog : Animal43 {44 public override void Bark()45 {46 Console.WriteLine("狗狗旺旺的叫");47 }48 49 public override void Eat()50 {51 Console.WriteLine("狗狗咬着吃");52 }53 }54 55 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _09面向对象接口练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //作业:鸟-麻雀sparrow['spærəu] ,鸵鸟ostrich['ɔstritʃ] ,14 //企鹅penguin['pengwin] ,鹦鹉parrot['pærət]15 //鸟能飞,鸵鸟,企鹅不能。。。你怎么办16 17 IFlyable fly = new YingWu();// new QQ();//new YingWu();//new MaQue();18 fly.Fly();19 Console.ReadKey();20 }21 }22 23 public interface IFlyable24 {25 void Fly();26 }27 28 public class Bird29 {30 public double Wings31 {32 get;33 set;34 }35 36 public void SayHello()37 {38 Console.WriteLine("我是小鸟");39 }40 }41 42 public class MaQue : Bird, IFlyable43 {44 public void Fly()45 {46 Console.WriteLine("麻雀会飞");47 }48 }49 50 public class TuoNiao : Bird51 { 52 53 }54 55 public class QQ : Bird56 { 57 58 }59 60 public class YingWu : Bird, IFlyable61 {62 public void Fly()63 {64 Console.WriteLine("鹦鹉会飞");65 }66 }67 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _10面向对象多态练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //作业:橡皮rubber鸭子、木wood鸭子、真实的鸭子realduck。14 //三个鸭子都会游泳,而橡皮鸭子和真实的鸭子都会叫,15 //只是叫声不一样,橡皮鸭子“唧唧”叫,真实地鸭子“嘎嘎”叫,木鸭子不会叫.16 //IBark bark = new RealDuck();//new XPDuck();17 //bark.Bark();18 XPDuck xp = new XPDuck();19 MuDuck md = new MuDuck();20 RealDuck rd = new RealDuck();21 IBark bark = rd;22 Duck duck = rd;23 duck.Swim();24 bark.Bark();25 26 27 Console.ReadKey();28 29 }30 }31 32 public class Duck33 {34 public virtual void Swim()35 {36 Console.WriteLine("是鸭子就会游泳");37 }38 }39 40 public interface IBark41 {42 void Bark();43 }44 45 public class RealDuck : Duck, IBark46 {47 public void Bark()48 {49 Console.WriteLine("这的鸭子嘎嘎叫");50 }51 52 public override void Swim()53 {54 Console.WriteLine("真的鸭子会游泳");55 }56 }57 58 public class MuDuck:Duck59 {60 public override void Swim()61 {62 Console.WriteLine("木头鸭子也会游泳");63 }64 }65 66 public class XPDuck : Duck, IBark67 {68 public void Bark()69 {70 Console.WriteLine("橡皮鸭子唧唧叫");71 }72 73 public override void Swim()74 {75 Console.WriteLine("橡皮鸭子也会游泳");76 }77 }78 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _11_抽象类练习 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //作业:计算形状Shape(圆Circle,矩形Square ,正方形Rectangle)的面积、周长14 Shape shape = new Square(5,7);//new Circle(5);15 double area = shape.GetArea();16 double perimeter = shape.GetPerimeter();17 Console.WriteLine(area);18 Console.WriteLine(perimeter);19 Console.ReadKey();20 }21 }22 23 public abstract class Shape24 {25 public abstract double GetArea();26 public abstract double GetPerimeter();27 }28 29 public class Square : Shape30 {31 public double Height32 { 33 get;34 set;35 }36 37 public double Width38 {39 get;40 set;41 }42 43 public Square(double height, double width)44 {45 this.Height = height;46 this.Width = width;47 }48 49 public override double GetArea()50 {51 return this.Height * this.Width;52 }53 54 public override double GetPerimeter()55 {56 return (this.Height + this.Width) * 2;57 }58 }59 60 61 public class Circle : Shape62 {63 public double R64 {65 get;66 set;67 }68 public Circle(double r)69 {70 this.R = r;71 }72 73 public override double GetArea()74 {75 return Math.PI * this.R * this.R;76 }77 78 public override double GetPerimeter()79 {80 return 2 * Math.PI * this.R;81 }82 }83 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _12字符串 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 //string s1 = "张三";//GC14 //s1 = null;15 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1))16 //{17 // Console.WriteLine("是的");18 //}19 //else20 //{21 // Console.WriteLine("不是");22 //}23 24 //string s = "abcdefg";25 //char[] chs = s.ToCharArray();26 //chs[0] = 'b';27 //s = new string(chs);28 //Console.WriteLine(s);29 ////s[0]='b';30 //Console.WriteLine(s[0]);31 //Console.ReadKey();32 33 //string s1 = "c#";34 //string s2="C#";35 //if (s1.Equals(s2,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))36 //{37 // Console.WriteLine("相同");38 //}39 //else40 //{41 // Console.WriteLine("不相同");42 //}43 //Console.ReadKey();44 45 //string s = "abcdefg";46 //string sNew = s.Substring(3,1);47 //Console.WriteLine(sNew);48 //Console.ReadKey();49 50 //string str = "abcd , , fd, fdafd [[ ---";51 //string[] strNew = str.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ', '[', '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);52 53 54 //string[] names = { "张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六" };55 //string s = string.Join("|",'c',true,3.13,100,1000m,"张三");56 //Console.WriteLine(s);57 //Console.ReadKey();58 59 string str = "老赵伟大";60 str = str.Replace("老赵", "**");61 Console.WriteLine(str);62 Console.ReadKey();63 }64 }65 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.IO; 4 using System.Linq; 5 using System.Text; 6 using System.Threading.Tasks; 7 8 namespace _13_字符串练习 9 { 10 class Program 11 { 12 static void Main(string[] args) 13 { 14 //课上练习1:接收用户输入的字符串,将其中的字符以与输入相反的顺序输出。"abc"→"cba" 15 16 //string str = "abcdefg"; 17 //char[] chs = new char[str.Length]; 18 19 //foreach (var item in chs) 20 //{ 21 // Console.WriteLine(item); 22 //} 23 //Console.ReadKey(); 24 25 //Console.WriteLine("请输入一个字符串"); 26 //string str = Console.ReadLine(); 27 //char[] chs = new char[str.Length]; 28 //int i = 0; 29 //foreach (var item in str) 30 //{ 31 // chs[i] = item; 32 // i++; 33 //} 34 //foreach (var item in chs) 35 //{ 36 // Console.WriteLine(item); 37 //} 38 //Console.ReadKey(); 39 //char[] chs = str.ToCharArray(); 40 //for (int i = 0; i < chs.Length/2; i++) 41 //{ 42 // char temp = chs[i]; 43 // chs[i] = chs[chs.Length - 1 - i]; 44 // chs[chs.Length - 1 - i] = temp; 45 //} 46 47 //str = new string(chs); 48 //Console.WriteLine(str); 49 50 //Array.Reverse(chs); 51 //str = new string(chs); 52 //Console.WriteLine(str); 53 54 ////课上练习2:接收用户输入的一句英文,将其中的单词以反序输出。 “I love you"→“i evol uoy" 55 //string str = "I Love You";// I evoL uoY 56 //string s2 = null; 57 //string[] strNew = str.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 58 //for (int i = 0; i < strNew.Length; i++) 59 //{ 60 // string s = ProcessStr(strNew[i]); 61 // s2 += s+" "; 62 63 //} 64 //Console.WriteLine(s2); 65 66 //Console.ReadKey(); 67 68 //课上练习3:”2012年12月21日”从日期字符串中把年月日分别取出来,打印到控制台 69 //string date = "2012年12月21日"; 70 //string[] dateNew = date.Split(new char[] { '年', '月', '日' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 71 //Console.WriteLine("{0}--{1}--{2}",dateNew[0],dateNew[1],dateNew[2]); 72 //Console.ReadKey(); 73 74 75 76 77 // 练习5:123-456---789-----123-2把类似的字符串中重复符号去掉, 78 //既得到123-456-789-123-2. split()、 79 //string str = "123-456---789-----123-2"; 80 //string[] strNew = str.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 81 //str = string.Join("-", strNew); 82 //Console.WriteLine(str); 83 //Console.ReadKey(); 84 85 string[] str = File.ReadAllLines("员工工资.txt", Encoding.Default); 86 int max = int.MinValue; 87 int min = int.MaxValue; 88 int sum = 0; 89 for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) 90 { 91 //张三,100 92 string[] strNew = str[i].Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 93 if (int.Parse(strNew[1]) > max) 94 { 95 max = int.Parse(strNew[1]); 96 } 97 if (int.Parse(strNew[1]) < min) 98 { 99 min = int.Parse(strNew[1]);100 }101 sum += int.Parse(strNew[1]);102 }103 Console.WriteLine("工资最高是{0},最低是{1},平均薪资是{2}",max,min,sum/str.Length);104 105 106 Console.ReadKey();107 108 109 }110 111 112 public static string ProcessStr(string str)113 {114 char[] chs = str.ToCharArray();115 for (int i = 0; i < chs.Length / 2; i++)116 {117 char temp = chs[i];118 chs[i] = chs[chs.Length - 1 - i];119 chs[chs.Length - 1 - i] = temp;120 }121 return new string(chs);122 }123 }124 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _14_高效的StringBuilder 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();14 sb.Append("张三");15 sb.Append("李四");16 sb.Append("王五");17 sb.Insert(1, 123);18 sb.Replace("李四", "颜世伟");19 sb.Replace("颜世伟", "杀马特");20 Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString());21 Console.ReadKey();22 }23 }24 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Threading.Tasks; 9 using System.Windows.Forms;10 11 namespace _15_使用StringBuilder来拼接网页12 {13 public partial class Form1 : Form14 {15 public Form1()16 {17 InitializeComponent();18 }19 20 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)21 {22 23 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();24 sb.Append("");25 sb.Append("");26 sb.Append("");27 sb.Append("");28 sb.Append("
星期一 | ");31 sb.Append("星期一 | ");32 sb.Append("星期一 | ");33 sb.Append("星期一 | ");34 sb.Append("
星期一 | ");37 sb.Append("星期一 | ");38 sb.Append("星期一 | ");39 sb.Append("星期一 | ");40 sb.Append("
星期一 | ");43 sb.Append("星期一 | ");44 sb.Append("星期一 | ");45 sb.Append("星期一 | ");46 sb.Append("
星期一 | ");49 sb.Append("星期一 | ");50 sb.Append("星期一 | ");51 sb.Append("星期一 | ");52 sb.Append("
1 namespace _15_使用StringBuilder来拼接网页 2 { 3 partial class Form1 4 { 5 ///6 /// 必需的设计器变量。 7 /// 8 private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; 9 10 ///11 /// 清理所有正在使用的资源。12 /// 13 /// 如果应释放托管资源,为 true;否则为 false。14 protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)15 {16 if (disposing && (components != null))17 {18 components.Dispose();19 }20 base.Dispose(disposing);21 }22 23 #region Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码24 25 ///26 /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要27 /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。28 /// 29 private void InitializeComponent()30 {31 this.webBrowser1 = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser();32 this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();33 this.SuspendLayout();34 // 35 // webBrowser136 // 37 this.webBrowser1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(68, 73);38 this.webBrowser1.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(20, 20);39 this.webBrowser1.Name = "webBrowser1";40 this.webBrowser1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(439, 250);41 this.webBrowser1.TabIndex = 0;42 // 43 // button144 // 45 this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(68, 23);46 this.button1.Name = "button1";47 this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);48 this.button1.TabIndex = 1;49 this.button1.Text = "button1";50 this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;51 this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);52 // 53 // Form154 // 55 this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);56 this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;57 this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(676, 416);58 this.Controls.Add(this.button1);59 this.Controls.Add(this.webBrowser1);60 this.Name = "Form1";61 this.Text = "Form1";62 this.ResumeLayout(false);63 64 }65 66 #endregion67 68 private System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser webBrowser1;69 private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;70 }71 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Threading.Tasks; 5 using System.Windows.Forms; 6 7 namespace _15_使用StringBuilder来拼接网页 8 { 9 static class Program10 {11 ///12 /// 应用程序的主入口点。13 /// 14 [STAThread]15 static void Main()16 {17 Application.EnableVisualStyles();18 Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);19 Application.Run(new Form1());20 }21 }22 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 using System.Collections; 7 8 namespace _16_集合复习 9 {10 class Program11 {12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 // ArrayList list = new ArrayList();15 //// list.Add()16 // Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();17 // //ht.Add()18 19 // List list = new List ();20 //list.Add(); 添加单个元素21 //list.AddRange();添加集合22 //list.Insert();插入23 //list.InsertRange();插入集合24 //list.Remove();移除25 //list.RemoveAt();根据下标移除26 //list.RemoveRange();移除一定范围的元素27 //list.Contains();//判断是否包含28 29 // list.RemoveAll()30 31 //Dictionarydic = new Dictionary ();32 //dic.Add(1,"张三");33 //dic.Add(2,"李四");34 //dic.Add(3, "颜世伟");35 //dic.Add(4, "杀马特");36 //dic[4] = "还是杀马特";37 38 //foreach (KeyValuePair kv in dic)39 //{40 // Console.WriteLine("{0}---{1}",kv.Key,kv.Value);41 //}42 //Console.ReadKey();43 44 //dic.ContainsKey();45 46 47 }48 }49 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _17集合练习 8 { 9 class Program 10 { 11 static void Main(string[] args) 12 { 13 #region 集合练习1 14 //案例:把分拣奇偶数的程序用泛型实现。int[] nums={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};奇数在左边 偶数在右边 15 //int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 16 //List listJi = new List (); 17 //List listOu = new List (); 18 //for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) 19 //{ 20 // if (nums[i] % 2 == 0) 21 // { 22 // listOu.Add(nums[i]); 23 // } 24 // else 25 // { 26 // listJi.Add(nums[i]); 27 // } 28 //} 29 30 //listJi.AddRange(listOu); 31 //foreach (var item in listJi) 32 //{ 33 // Console.WriteLine(item); 34 //} 35 //Console.ReadKey(); 36 #endregion 37 38 39 40 41 #region 集合练习2 42 //练习1:将int数组中的奇数放到一个新的int数组中返回。 43 //将数组中的奇数取出来放到一个集合中,最终将集合转换成数组 。 44 //int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 45 46 //List listJi = new List (); 47 48 //for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) 49 //{ 50 // if (nums[i] % 2 != 0) 51 // { 52 // listJi.Add(nums[i]); 53 // } 54 //} 55 ////集合转换成数组 56 //int[] numsNew = listJi.ToArray(); 57 //foreach (var item in numsNew) 58 //{ 59 // Console.WriteLine(item); 60 //} 61 //Console.ReadKey(); 62 #endregion 63 64 65 66 67 #region 集合练习3 68 //练习2:从一个整数的List 中取出最大数(找最大值)。 69 //集合初始化器 70 //List list = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 71 //int max = list[0]; 72 //for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) 73 //{ 74 // if (list[i] > max) 75 // { 76 // max = list[i]; 77 // } 78 //} 79 //Console.WriteLine(max); 80 //Console.ReadKey(); 81 ////foreach (var item in list) 82 ////{ 83 //// Console.WriteLine(item); 84 ////} 85 //Console.ReadKey(); 86 // list.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }); 87 //Person p = new Person("李四", 16, '女') { Name = "张三", Age = 19, Gender = '男' }; 88 //p.SayHello(); 89 //Console.ReadKey(); 90 #endregion 91 92 93 94 95 96 #region 集合练习4 97 //练习:把123转换为:壹贰叁。Dictionary98 //"1一 2二 3三 4四 5五 6六 7七 8八 9九" 99 //string str = "1一 2二 3三 4四 5五 6六 7七 8八 9九";100 ////123 一二三101 //Dictionary dic = new Dictionary ();102 //string[] strNew = str.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);103 104 //for (int i = 0; i < strNew.Length; i++)105 //{106 // //1一 strNew[i][0] strNew[i][1]107 // dic.Add(strNew[i][0], strNew[i][1]);108 //}109 110 //Console.WriteLine("请输入阿拉伯数字");111 //string input = Console.ReadLine();112 113 //for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)114 //{115 // if (dic.ContainsKey(input[i]))116 // {117 // Console.Write(dic[input[i]]);118 // }119 // else120 // {121 // Console.Write(input[i]);122 // }123 //}124 //Console.ReadKey(); 125 #endregion126 127 128 129 #region 集合练习5130 ////练习:计算字符串中每种字符出现的次数(面试题)。 “Welcome to Chinaworld”,不区分大小写,打印“W2”“e 2”“o 3”…… 131 132 //string s = "Welcome to Chinaworld";133 134 //Dictionary dic = new Dictionary ();135 ////遍历 s 136 //for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)137 //{138 // if (s[i] == ' ')139 // {140 // continue;141 // }142 // if (dic.ContainsKey(s[i]))143 // {144 // dic[s[i]]++;145 // }146 // else147 // {148 // dic[s[i]] = 1;149 // }150 //}151 152 153 //foreach (KeyValuePair kv in dic)154 //{155 // Console.WriteLine("字母{0}出现了{1}次",kv.Key,kv.Value);156 //}157 //Console.ReadKey(); 158 #endregion159 160 161 162 #region 集合练习5163 //案例:两个(List)集合{ “a”,“b”,“c”,“d”,“e”}和{ “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h” },把这两个集合去除重复项合并成一个。164 //List listOne = new List () { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };165 //List listTwo = new List () { "d", "e", "f", "g", "h" };166 //for (int i = 0; i < listTwo.Count; i++)167 //{168 // if (!listOne.Contains(listTwo[i]))169 // {170 // listOne.Add(listTwo[i]);171 // }172 //}173 174 175 //foreach (var item in listOne)176 //{177 // Console.WriteLine(item);178 //}179 //Console.ReadKey(); 180 #endregion181 182 }183 }184 185 public class Person186 {187 public Person(string name, int age, char gender)188 {189 this.Name = name;190 this.Age = age;191 this.Gender = gender;192 }193 194 public string Name195 {196 get;197 set;198 }199 public char Gender200 {201 get;202 set;203 }204 public int Age205 {206 get;207 set;208 }209 210 public void SayHello()211 {212 Console.WriteLine("{0}---{1}---{2}", this.Name, this.Age, this.Gender);213 }214 }215 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _18_静态和非静态的区别 8 { 9 class Program10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 Student.Test();14 Student.Test();15 Student.Test();16 Console.ReadKey();17 }18 }19 20 public class Person21 {22 private static string _name;23 private int _age;24 public void M1()25 { 26 27 }28 29 public static void M2()30 { 31 32 }33 34 35 public Person()36 {37 Console.WriteLine("非静态类构造函数");38 }39 40 }41 42 public static class Student43 {44 static Student()45 {46 Console.WriteLine("静态类构造函数");47 }48 49 public static void Test()50 {51 Console.WriteLine("我是静态类中的静态方法");52 }53 // private string _name;54 }55 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading.Tasks; 6 7 namespace _19_结构和类的区别 8 { 9 class Program 10 { 11 static void Main(string[] args) 12 { 13 //类型 14 //结构:值类型 15 //类:引用类型 16 17 //声明的语法:class struct 18 19 //在类中,构造函数里,既可以给字段赋值,也可以给属性赋值。构造函数是可以重载的 20 //但是,在结构的构造函数当中,必须只能给字段赋值。 21 //在结构的构造函数当中,我们需要给全部的字段赋值,而不能去选择的给字段赋值 22 23 //调用: 24 25 PersonClass pc = new PersonClass(); 26 27 28 //结构是否可以New? 29 //在栈开辟空间 结构new 调用结构的构造函数 30 PersonStruct ps = new PersonStruct(); 31 ps.M2(); 32 PersonStruct.M1(); 33 Console.ReadKey(); 34 //结构和类的构造函数: 35 //相同点:不管是结构还是类,本身都会有一个默认的无参数的构造函数 36 //不同点:当你在类中写了一个新的构造函数之后,那个默认的无参数的构造函数都被干掉了 37 //但是,在结构当中,如果你写了一个新的构造函数,那么个默认的无参数的构造函数依然在。 38 // 39 //如果我们只是单纯的存储数据的话,我们推荐使用结构。 40 41 //如果我们想要使用面向对象的思想来开发程序,我们推荐使用我们的Class 42 43 //结构并不具备面向对象的特征 44 45 46 // int 47 } 48 } 49 50 public class PersonClass 51 { 52 //字段、属性、方法、构造函数 53 } 54 55 public struct PersonStruct 56 { 57 //字段、属性 58 private string _name; 59 public string Name 60 { 61 get { return _name; } 62 set { _name = value; } 63 } 64 65 private int _age; 66 public int Age 67 { 68 get { return _age; } 69 set { _age = value; } 70 } 71 72 private char _gender; 73 public char Gender 74 { 75 get { return _gender; } 76 set { _gender = value; } 77 } 78 79 public static void M1() 80 { 81 Console.WriteLine("我是结构中的静态方法"); 82 } 83 public void M2() 84 { 85 Console.WriteLine("我是结构的非静态方法"); 86 } 87 88 public PersonStruct(string name, int age, char gender) 89 { 90 //this.Name = name; 91 //this.Age = age; 92 //this.Gender = gender; 93 94 this._name = name; 95 this._age = age; 96 this._gender = gender; 97 } 98 99 100 //public PersonStruct(string name)101 //{102 // this._name = name;103 //}104 105 }106 }